Our School. Our Budget.

A Campaign to Make SC Affordable and Accessible



First-generation, low-income students-of-color have a right to a financially accessible education and a supportive environment in which we can thrive. However, the university failed to fully meet our demonstrated financial needs.
This remains one of the greatest barriers of the undeniable systemic inequalities that are prevalent at USC, especially during this pandemic. President Folt once said, “I believe if you’re a low-income student or a wealthy student, there should be no difference in your opportunity.”
FGLI students at USC experience added stress, anxiety, and isolation as a result of their socio-economic status. We came together and built a list of demands for the university to expand financial aid, decrease tuition, and provide accommodations for low-income students.

How to Help

Learn More : Our sources

USC's Fiscal Reports

Movements at Other Schools



Action Items

Email Templates

Tuition Strike

(Under Construction)

No Show Strike

(Under Construction)